Saturday, January 04, 2025

The Rim to Rim (to Rim?) - Grand Canyon

A quick post today to share some quotes and mention the big adventure of the year: a Rim-to-Rim (and maybe even Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim) run/hike of the Grand Canyon!

In preparation for this grand adventure, I watched a fantastic video by the Hiking Guy that provided valuable insights. It was absolutely worth the full hour it took to get through—though, I’ll admit, I watched it in two sittings.

There are a couple of weather windows that are best for hiking from rim to rim. The main thing to avoid is the heat, which can be up to 120F in the shade. Hikers who venture out in the heat of the Grand Canyon die every year. This is real.


"Sadly, in history, when these charismatic demagogues come to power, they use emotions to manipulate people. Trump says, "I love you" to his people. He told them he loved them on Jan. 6. He builds a personality cult so he poses as the victim, which is really important because not only are all his crimes presented as persecutions by the "deep state," but saying he's being persecuted makes his followers feel protective of him." (, “Empathy and Kindness Are for Weak People”: Why Trump Wants His MAGA Supporters to Be Cruel)

"Vision becomes a living force only when people truly believe they can shape their future." (David Peter Stroh, Systems Thinking for Social Change)

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