Thursday, February 06, 2025

Quotes for February 6

Good morning, everyone! Well, good morning for me—it might be the middle of the night for some of you.

Today is February 6, 2025. It’s been a crazy week at work, and I haven’t been getting much sleep, but I’m hoping that changes soon.

This morning, I came across a bunch of quotes on my Reedwise feed. Since I forgot to check it yesterday (blame the hectic week!), I now have two days’ worth of quotes to share. I should probably write something more thoughtful today, but honestly, the lack of sleep isn’t helping my creativity.

Hope you’re all doing well!


"AI is also useful; ask ChatGPT how someone with an opposing viewpoint might receive your message."

— Stephanie Cornell & Daphne Moore, Fostering Collaboration Through Communications

"Let’s dispel the myth that negative self-talk is somehow more honest than positive self-talk. Positive self-talk is more realistic. Negative self-talk exaggerates the impact of what occurred."

— Devora Zack, Networking for People Who Hate Networking

"Digital Minimalism A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else."

— Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism

"Social Dominance Theory (SDT) begins with the basic observation that all human societies tend to be structured as systems of group-based social hierarchies."

— Jim Sidanius and Felicia Pratto, Social Dominance

"Fungi produce around fifty megatons of spores each year—equivalent to the weight of five hundred thousand blue whales—making them the largest source of living particles in the air. Spores are found in clouds and influence the weather by triggering the formation of the water droplets that form rain and the ice crystals that form snow, sleet, and hail."

— Merlin Sheldrake, Entangled Life

"To be a good listener is to accept pauses and silences because filling them too soon, much less preemptively, prevents the speaker from communicating what they are perhaps struggling to say. It quashes elaboration and prevents real issues from coming to the surface."

— Kate Murphy, You're Not Listening

"Where there is energy and enthusiasm (which comes from believing in the action that is taken) ownership will be generated and this in turn will ensure that activities are sustainable. Ideas and innovations only take off when there is a high level of ownership which is transmitted through networks – in the same way that a virus spreads through a population. Enthusiasm is built from a belief that something is important, and will actually make a difference; energy and momentum channelled through relationships."

— Danny Burns and Stuart Worsley, Navigating Complexity in International Development

"The second thing you must consider is whether people base their decisions on emotion or logic. The true answer to that question is, in fact, both; it is just that the decision is always made for emotive reasons first."

— Phil M Jones, Exactly What to Say

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